Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

contoh pidato b. inggris

Assalamua’laikum wr.wb
Respectable Mr. H. Sukamana as head master
Honorable all teachers
First of all let us be ever grateful presence of God Almighty, which has provided guidance and inayah taufik to us all that this morning we can meet face to face without any problems
Blessing and greetings my still plow to the lord our great prophet Muhammad here I will elaborate on ‘’ THE POWER OF FAITHE FORTIFY DISOBEDIENCE’’             
All ladies and gentlemen            
Don’t forget we would like to thank Ms Show  host who has provided  little time for  us to test  our mental in front of the audience happy.
 The jury is wise and prudent,the happy
God has passed the word that means ‘’Those who belive are those who, when called the name of God then shook  in their hearts, and when read to them the verces of Allah added their faith.From  the word of God is clear already. If we truly belive and faith  and resignation to God, then faith can fortify disobedience. An example of asinner if we are invited by anyone who would thear down our religion, with great possibility we wiil not be fooled by their invitation. Due to the strength of faith that fortifies disobedience.
All ladies and gentlemen
Faith is a pearl in our heart and faith can not be inherited fro one person to another. So a little description of the faith that we can state if there was merely a mistake of our personal and correct it if there is solely from Allah Most High. We are also still learning.  

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