Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

contoh pidato go green dalam bahasa inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Respectable Mr. H. Tarya Sukamana as Head Master High School Of SMA N 1 RENGASDENGKLOK
Honorable Miss Tati as English Teacher
And all happy brother and sister
            Firstly, let’s thank to our God Allah swt who has been giving us blessing and mercies  so we can come here in good condition and happy situation. Secondly sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad saw who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness from stupidity  to the cleverness.
            All ladies and gentlemen
            On this good opportunity, I RIMAYU HASANAH as student XI sain 4. Would present my speech , under the title ‘’ GO GREEN’’. 
            All ladies and gentlemen
God has given natural resources to our beloved country Indonesia. One of the natural resources and biodiversity of our country is one country that is rich in natural resources and the country got the nickname as an agricultural country and the world's largest archipelagic country. But still many people who are indifferent to the award. For example, doing a wild forest. But the act will affect the balance of the ecosystem of plants and it will reduce the natural resources of our country, especially in the biological resources.
All ladies and gentlemen
            So we do not do illegal deforestation because the act would only damage the ecosystem and it will also lead to global warming and air pollution due to excessive population growth is reduced due to illegal deforestation.
           Before I end this speech I call on you to love all kinds of plants and treat the good of all plants ada.dan I urge to you to plant a crop at least one person.
Save the environment for a better tomorrow.

That is what I can deliver in this chance and thank you very much for you attention
Asalamu'alaikum wr.wb                                            



2 komentar:

  1. Assalaamu'alaikum,
    terimakasih ya postingnya bermanfaat banget, izin pake teks ini buat tugas sekolah ya. syukrooon.^^
